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Writer's pictureSebastian Bluemer

Identify an Additive Manufacturing Use Case

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

10 years ago, we as process engineers had the opportunity to specifically develop an in depth L-PBF process for a material alloy. Today, we are mainly involved in a "fast track" development process for a customized parameter set (based on an existing one) to qualify customer applications.

Is that a bad trend? From my point of view not at all, in fact I like it very much as we are moving much closer towards product development and that is what the AM industry need. šŸ¤”

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Just another morning in process engineering. Product development is already on your toes and wants to know where we are in the qualification process, so we can quickly move to the next step in the process chain (III Post Processing).

The design (I) has already been reviewed and approved, otherwise we wouldn't be in process development (II), yet. Now it's up to us to get a process up and running quickly and in a robust way so that we can manufacture the final component without major deviations and a high degree of productivity. šŸš€

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That answer will remain as our secret. šŸ˜‡

I Design - II Print - III Post Processing - IV AM Accelerator

How exactly the process is structured and where we need to pay attention, I had already shown in the last two reels (Design and Print your part). Today I'm talking about the overall concept (see picture below).

It is important for me to mention that for an AM use case the process is only a small piece within a qualification process of the customer's product. Finally, Design and post-processing strategy is as important as the L-PBF process development, so that no defects are subsequently caused due to e.g. warpage of the components.

The AM Accelerator (IV) increases the chances of a follow-up order. Certainly not our task as process engineers to identify customer potential, but we can of course give our opinion and thus clearly influence the focus and prioritization of customer projects.

You will learn what to look for in Post-Processing (III) and how to find indicators of an AM Accelerator in the upcoming Reels.

Stay tuned and enjoy your week! šŸ¦¾

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